Spotlight: Tolu ‘Toolz’ Oniru
The 1st Spotlight shines its ever-eager light on a lady some may know as Tolu Oniru, many know as Toolz from Beat FM 99.9 Lagos and all should recognise as a formidable talent in the Nigerian entertainment industry. With a wealth of experience, working for MTV in UK before moving back to Nigeria to add her unique vibrancy to the mix, Toolz is a woman I definitely admire. Her refreshing personality, openness and humility grant her the success she’s experienced in her various projects and are attributes many of us ladies should embody. Lest I forget, she also dresses her curves the way a confident woman should!
I was lucky to get a quick interview with her during her travels through London (coming back from the MTV EMAs where she partied it up with Kim and Kanye, naturally) to talk about fame, fashion, being a role model and why Dame Vivienne Westwood is her Queen of Curves .
Toolz the Woman
On Thirty & Thriving in Lagos

On Her Body
I honestly don’t see what the big deal is because I’m African; we are naturally built this way. When I get attention in that way I just think “look at the woman over there, her hips are just as shapely as mine!”. Having said that, being successful and having curves has had a positive influence. I get many emails from women with shapes like mine who no longer feel they have to hide and are encouraged to be proud of their bodies. It’s all about being content and working on loving yourself.Breaking Out and Fulfilling Your Passions
Find out what you want to do and where your passion lies. When I finished my A-Levels I didn't know what I wanted to know and for the longest time my parents had wanted me to study Medicine so I thought “why not?”. I later realised it wasn't the career for me as I am quite squeamish! But truly understanding yourself and what makes you thrive is 80% of the battle; once you've identified that, you’re able to dig deep, even through the hardest of time,s when trying to establish yourself.Future Challenges?
Every few months, I try to set myself a new challenge. I feel if you reach a stage in your life where you have achieved all your goals in life something is wrong. With every challenge I accomplish I give myself a quick pat on the back and then it’s a “right, straight on to the next one”. I’m always working on something new though, which I try and fine-tune before I put it out there.Toolz The Fashionista
Finding Freedom in FashionI lived in Camden before relocating and I loved the way you could see different variations of fashion and the independence that came with it. In Lagos it is quite different and, being in the public eye, people have a pre-conception of how celebrities should dress which is something I followed for a while. It did get to the stage, however, where I wanted to break free and just feel happy in what I was wearing. Luckily, I found a few designers who I felt matched my style. With the dress I wore to the Headies by Ejiro Amos Tafiri, I initially didn’t want to go with the gold but, looking back, I'm happy I went with it and she loved the dress – smiles all round!

I have a few people who I feel have a similar shape to me and an amazing sense of style. Christina Hendricks and Kim Kardashian are two women whose outfits I do draw inspiration from. Michelle Obama as well; she has the ability to look classy with an edge of sexiness and, even when she doesn’t wear designer, she carries this aura of elegance. Also classic icons like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn who were, quite simply, the queens of luxury.
Favourite local and International Designer?
Without a shadow of a doubt, my favourite international designer is Dame Vivienne Westwood. I love the way the cut of her clothing is designed to suit a woman’s figure; the hips, the waist, it's all incorporated. Also, she always does whatever she wants to do!
Ejiro Amos Tafiri really gets my figure so I’d have to choose her of all the designers I’ve worked with in Nigeria. I love the way she tailors to fit the shape of the body.
Her go-to item(s)
I love my black dresses; I do look in my wardrobe and tend to opt for that-black-dress-that-always-work. I am trying to work on that and incorporate more clothes; black, contrary to previous belief, isn't always the best! However, the biggest focus is being comfortable .
Toolz on Toolz in 3 words?
Vivacious, tenacious and warm-hearted :)
Need I say more? We applaud you Toolz! You can find her weekdays on The Beat 99.9FM or catch up on her various interviews with the best of the African entertainment industry on The Juice. She also has her own blog - - and is currently one of the judges for MTV Base Africa's search for a new VJ, coming to a screen near you - phew!