Life Without Spanxs!
Keeping it short and sweet - welcome to Life Without Spanxs (LWS)! I'm so happy I've finally built this platform; believe me when I say it's been a long time coming! For those who visited Gush, Gossip, Blog, my former blog, thank you so much for all your support and encouraging words. I'm proud of what I achieved with GGB and really looking forward to the next stage with LWS.
I remember the exact moment I came up with the name for this blog. I was getting ready for a night out and started freaking out because I couldn't fit into my Spanxs underwear. This was during a time when I was still less confident about my body (thankfully, that's changed now!) and I remember thinking to myself "I want to live a life without Spanxs!'. Whilst that hasn't happened yet (and may possibly never happen) it led to this journey of self-discovery. I pushed myself to 'rip the band-aid off'; developing my confidence, self-worth and accepting the weird and wonderful things that make me who I am. I'm still on the journey but my aim for LWS is to encourage others to join me. I thoroughly believe every person is born to be a creator in their own way. Discovering what it is that you're made to do, however, starts with you. So, ladies, gents, let's do this!
I'll be posting regularly on the blog under four areas (WACCW, Spotlight, Feelspiration and SBisms - more information on my homepage) as well as posting weekly on my Soundcloud and YouTube channels. Subscribe and let's build something together!
SB xx
Yessss! Welcome back SB! Big sis is so proud of you!